Thursday, September 30, 2010


Minoes, my brother's cat had died recently.
She was 17 years old. And I really miss her.
They went with her to a doctor but he said that she couldn't go further she was really sick.
But I feel kinda sad in a way she died, she got angry when the docter gave her the first injection[ to fall asleep] she scratched him. She was strong 'cause she didn't felt asleep inmediately, it taked more time then usual. Strong but very sick, how weird. Her heart didn't work well, her kidneys,, ....I guess a bit of everything -___-. [ I wasn't there with her, only pap, mam and patrick.] and if I was I guess I couldn't even take it .

They buried her in our garden, made it look like she slept, curled up in a box with a blanket.
She looked like she wasn't dead, even dad said "Is she really dead are you sure?" Mom said it looked like the disease went away that she was finnaly free, it looked like she was 5 again or something, not skinny anymore...isn't that weird? mom said that she had seen it a couple of times.

I don't know when I get over her death, time will heal. But till that time I want to pretend that she's alive, I want to stay in this illusion/dream.
And I will wake up till I want to.
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