Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our christmas, lol

Didn't have a christmas tree, so I made something different lol.

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Almost over

Wow, ever had that feeling that the year is gone more quickly than you can get a hold on?
I had this feeling for months now, I'm 24 now ...jesus.
If you had read about my socialphobia/Agoraphobia, well I have made progress ;). It's not as big as you think it will be, but for someone with my condition it means the world.
I can now go alone to the supermarket [although always the same one]. Getting over your fears is a pain in the ass to do, but I have to tell you that if you want to get rid of your fears the only thing you have to do is to, make your mind clear of negative thoughts, try it, and keep on trying because if you repeat your steps over and over again, the fear becomes less and the road becomes more clear.
Repetition is the key to overcome your fears.
I do talk to a psychologist. I don't really need her, I did most of it on my own. But it is nice to talk to someone who sees it differently, she only helps me to discover the core of my fears, I still do not know it yet, but at least I am on my road again. I had met a lot of psychologists who didn't took me serieus, and if I was helped at an instant It wouldn't have been this bad, but I finally found someone who is good at her job. You have to dig through a lot of shit before you find a good one.
The weirdest thing though, is that I can get social only when I am very angry or if someone needs help. :S and it's quite difficult to get me angry :p.

 I have also made 2x a trip with the train alone, to see my boyfriend at work, yes you read it right he has a job :).
So the luck definitely comes our way :) and I'm thankfull

My short story, as I read last posts, is now at 11.750 words. and my big story at 15.090 words :)
I'm not a fast writer, I have a lot of other hobbies too :).

I have sold two of my furniture, that I had repainted. I can't make furniture with old pallets, I wanted to do it though,.. still want it. but that will come eventually. these one have been sold.

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