Sunday, July 18, 2010


I see that I didn't wrote since ages! o_O, I will update about Muse soon. First I will tell you how the Ardennen was ^^.

We drove early in the morning to the Ardennen, I was so tired o__o.
A long boring trip, we stopped sometimes though. And when we were almost there the trip became more beautifull, lots of trees and high hills [ almost mountains =O] and such beautifull old houses around and on that hills ^^. Makes me feel jealous 'cause where I live there are no hills :P or so many tree's o_O boring netherlands :P.

When we arrived there we first got a little lost :P but it was in front of us xD. The hotel [Hostellerie Linchet] was a way up on a hill[ very difficult to explain] .
We got a warm welcome, nice lady, and the rooms where old fashioned but very beautifull. We put our stuff there and went back to the car . Our day began.

[From left to right : My & Tay Bed and couch, other 2 pics Mom&Dad, Shower cause bed is almost the same only curtains yellow and diffrent wallpaper, and our shower had a curtain:P ] mom said decor is from 50's?.

First we went to The waterfalls of Coo, and again, we lost our way :P.
After we found it,  there was a guy which we asked where the hell the waterfall was. He couldn't speak dutch that good [he was french] so it was a hell to ask and explain and also it was for him. [I was keeping myself from laughing].[I don't like french :P] He said that the waterfall wasn't there :P I thought where the hell is it then :P Then he said The waterfall is in "Pretpark Plopsa"] I thought :"Blast!" And with "gone" he ment that 'cause of the summer the waterfall isn't that big like always :P but I was already gone, thinking about that bloody plopsa :P.
So we thanked him and went iritated of plopsa to plopsa and yes we saw the waterfall and no it wasnt gone or so, it was perfect ^^ but I still hate Plopsa :P [pretpark with Mega mindy, kabouter Plop etc etc IN FRENCH.XD] I also went with Tay,mom&dad in "de Kabelbaan" And god that was scary like hell :P [ I'm afraid of heights]But it was a good experience ^^ We also have bought the photo which was from us in the kabelbaan :P I died 2x that day cause we went higher in a sort of tower for making pictures [ Tayfun made it, I was a wallhugger :P].We went back down again [scarier than going up] . and we ran to the exit back to our car :P.
[some pics:]

Second we went to the "Grotten van Han" . There were 2 more gothic dudes but whatever. And it was very cold in those caves downstairs [2 floors down]. I can't see much about those caves, it was awesome though. We maked pic's but it looks weird xD.

[more but it's useless to put them here xD you can't see what it is 'cause it's a cave :P you have to be there to see it]

It was kind of late again, it's quiet a distance between those places. And we were hungry :P
We went back at the hotel again, we rested a bit, and an hour later we walked a little to the city La roche [ 2 kilometer away] [lovely city, but don't eat chips there ].
We eated sandwiches [also chips that's why I dont recommend it :P] and drank coffee and coke.
And ofcourse again a lot of pictures of nature and houses.
It was time to go back at our hotel, and it took time before I felt asleep lol.

Next day we went back to La Roche, and went to the Catle ruine. Maked a lot of pictures, eated icecream , saw a weird bug :P. later we went to a chocolate factory xD ah well we didn't see in real a factory cause it is ofcourse forbidden , that recept of sweet chocolate like they make :P, but we got free samples there and buyed some haha. it was more the history of that factory and where chocolate came/comes from .

I'm unhappy that I'm back cause it was so beautifull there, but im happy that I'm back cause I missed my cats :P

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