Sunday, April 21, 2013

Bad news

It's been a long time again since the last post.
And a lot has happend ever since,
bad news & good news.
And I always start with the bad news.

In january we heard the bad news about my uncle that they found lungcancer stadium 4.
It was hard to believe, so unreal. a new year beginning with bad news.
And we don't even have such a big family. He died on february 17th.
It all went too fast, we didn't even had the time to understand what was happening.
He was the father of my causin Kelly, who is also my best friend.
And now I'm to scared to open the map with family pictures and movies .____. because to me, it still feels unreal, as a dream. I still have the feeling that he is around, maybe he is? we will never know.

I miss him and love and I will never forget him.
I have a tattoo in memory of him
I will post the good news in another post.

I even made a poem for him [not that good, but I was depressed and Im not that good with english ]
Dedicated to Uncle Jan.
The news came unexpected.
as a slap into my face.
never knew that you were going...
That you were leaving this place.

I still remember that you were smiling
Everything was all right.
But no one knew this unexpected journey
towards the everlasting light...
Seeing you struggle broke my heart.
and shattered my soul too.
Standing by your side, so that you weren’t alone.
Was the only thing we could do.

But you were strong and you fought hard
and I am proud of you.
Even though this disease has taken away
the best man that I had ever knew.

It’s hard to let you go, uncle Jan.
And I know that I will never do.
It is better that you don’t feel any pain now.
This live is just not the same without you.

And the things that you have taught us,
will continue further on
as your memories will be.
until our own lives are gone.

You were a good husband, father, brother, uncle and friend one can ever imagine.
Thank you for everything. We miss you so much and we love you forever.
We will meet again.
Ray & Tayfun

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