Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My wish list

Everyone has wishes, and here is my list:

[1] Married
My biggest wish is getting married. But we need the official birth documents from my boyfriend, because he is born in Izmir, and from the turkish consulate doesn't count. Although he has lived most of his live in the Netherlands and only a couple of months in turkey. I hope we have our luck soon.

[2] Jobs
No not Steve Jobs :). Tayfun needs a better job and I need a job. Good luck with that Sherlock -_-. try and find a job for someone with a socialfobia. 'well, Suck it up' . Not a good idea, no one wants to see someone getting freaked out at work, I hope, someday, that I find a boss who understands :').

[3] Our own house
Living in our own house instead of with my parents. Not that I have bad parents though. But the idea of having our own spot, and decorate the house like how we want it, sounds like heaven. I have so many idea's for all kinds of interior designs and I want it to come true. Where are the cheap houses?!

[4] England
God I want to go back!. I love the culture and language. They have better schools there and more options. Next live I want to be reincarnated in that country :P. I love bad weather and I know that it isn't good there all the time, but name a country where it is?

I'm writing stories, not that they are near being finished. But at least it is something I love to do, and I can't wait to have that feeling like 'Ray, you have finally finished something' and I will be proud :P.
I started a short story and a very long story[will take some time] and I have 3 short stories in mind.

[6] Positivity
Everyone wants to be rich, but you aren't rich with a lot of money. Yes that sounds weird. You are rich when you have no worries, when you don't hate, and follow the way that you always wanted to follow. I stopped half that way.. but I will start walking again!

-And when I'm done with most of my things on this road, I will create a new one and start learning new things.

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